Your Guide to Re-mortgaging in Banbury, Oxfordshire: Making Your Mortgage Work For You

Re-mortgaging involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new deal. You may choose to do this at any point for various reasons, and at Higham Critchley Barrows, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Frequently, individuals opt to re-mortgage when their current agreement concludes. However, this can occur anytime within your mortgage term should a more favourable deal emerge, or if circumstances dictate it as the most beneficial course of action.

Whether you’re planning to finance home improvements, purchase a new vehicle, enjoy a holiday, or consolidate debts, we are here to help. We’ll conduct a thorough review of your mortgage situation and advise on the best course of action in line with your interests.

The end of your existing mortgage deal, a natural juncture for re-mortgaging, can be just as challenging as securing your original mortgage. That’s where we step in, assuming the responsibility of finding the optimal deal for you.

It’s essential to remember that while your current lender may reach out with a new offer, they can only present a limited selection of their own deals. Choosing their simpler option might seem appealing, but it could prove costly compared to potential deals with a new lender.

Our role involves searching the market to uncover the most suitable deal for you. If it turns out that staying with your existing lender is the best option, we’ll advise you accordingly. If a switch is more beneficial, we’ll demonstrate why this is the case and illustrate the savings compared to remaining with your current lender.

Should your best option be to stay with your existing lender, we’ll orchestrate this switch for you, usually at no additional charge. This approach ensures we maintain a record of your deal’s end date, enabling us to reach out in advance to initiate the re-mortgaging process, ensuring your largest expense is always optimally managed. Trust Higham Critchley Barrows, your reliable re-mortgaging advisers in Banbury, Oxfordshire.

Your Home (or property) may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or any other debts secured on it.